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Going green by storing documents in the digital cloud and printing as little as possible helps save money on printing costs. There are a number of proactive ways to reduce printing costs for your business, and managed printing service providers help you achieve it effortlessly. Wepsol offers managed printing services in India that can help you save up to 29 per cent on your printing costs. Contact us now to learn how to reduce the cost of ownership of printing infrastructure while optimising printing efficiency.

Paperwork is mandatory for any business, and printing documents adds to operating costs. Owning and operating a printer is not a cost-effective solution in the long run because there is no control over how much paper and ink your employees use, as it is impossible to monitor every sheet that gets printed. According to Buyer’s Laboratory reports, 90 per cent of businesses do not track printing costs, which amounts to 5 per cent-15 per cent of business expenses. You can get help from printing services in India to control and reduce printing costs.

Know Your Business Printing Cost

To reduce printing costs, you first need to understand what you’re currently spending on printing. Here’s how you can calculate your business printing costs:

  1. Identify your printer model & manufacturer – Visit the manufacturer’s website to check the page yield figures (how many pages per cartridge).
  2. Categorize printing types – Black-and-white vs. color printing yields differ. Color printing consumes multiple toner cartridges, increasing costs.
  3. Calculate toner costs per page – Divide the total toner cost by the page yield to estimate your cost per print.
  4. Include maintenance expenses – Regular maintenance, paper, and unexpected breakdowns add hidden costs to your printing infrastructure.

Reduce Printing Cost – Is It Possible?

Now that you know the overall printing cost for your business, you should look for proactive ways to reduce printing expenses. Using the services of a managed print services provider will help drastically reduce your organisation’s printing costs. It is as simple as leasing the equipment and services from the provider, instead of owning printing equipment and paying for maintenance.

9 ways to Reducing Printing Cost Tips for Businesses

With effective management strategies and maintaining the necessary paperwork for your business, you can reduce printing expenses.

1. Use black-and-white printing

The use of multiple toners makes colour printing more expensive than black-and-white printing. Encourage your employees to use colour printing sparingly because most documents can be printed in black and white without losing their content value.

2. Use double-sided printing

Businesses can save as much as 40 per cent of the cost of paper by choosing double-sided printing. It is not conventional, but more and more organisations are opting for double-sided printing because leaving one side of paper empty is just pointless. Unless you are printing formal documents, always use double-sided printing.

3. Reduce the margin size to 0.75″

A simple change in margin settings can help you save on printing costs by  4.75 percent on paper consumption. Change the print margin settings from the default 1.25″ to 0.75″. This doesn’t affect the quality of printed material or readability.

4. Use fonts favourable for printing

Some fonts hog toner ink and certain fonts, such as Times New Roman, are known as printer-friendly fonts. Unless it is absolutely essential, stay away from decorative fonts. Using standard fonts will also make your documents look professional.

5. Print only the sections that you need

Every paper must have value, and printing without review often results in unnecessary printing. When you print from an email or a website, choose only the sections you want to print.

6. Use a printer wisely

A huge percentage of printed pages go straight to garbage because they need to be printed in the required way. This can be avoided by using the print preview option before printing. The preview will show exactly how your document will be printed on paper. If you don’t like something in the preview, you can change it before the document gets printed. Many times, a printer won’t print because there is no ink, no paper, or the paper is jammed. However, employees will often click on print multiple times before checking the printer physically, and when the printer starts printing, it will end up printing unnecessary multiple copies. Use the pause button and check why the printer isn’t printing just after clicking the print button once.

7. Remove personal printers

A large consolidated printer may look expensive, but it saves you a lot of money compared to multiple personal printers. Use truly essential printing equipment and avoid duplicates inside the office.

8. Choose the appropriate printing stationery

The quality of paper and ink also plays a major role in printing costs. Printing on standard papers is cost-effective, and high-quality ink will print better than cheaper alternatives.

9. Use a managed print service provider (MPS)

The best way to get value for your money on printing is to use a managed print service provider. You can rent printing equipment and maintenance services for a single fee, saving you up to 30 percent on printing costs. There will be no printing downtime, and your employees can work efficiently when professionals take care of the printing.

Find the best-managed print service provider to save costs

The Managed Print Services Market is now gaining popularity as enterprises realize the cost of maintaining corporate printing is much higher than expected. Your managed print service provider will lease you all the printing equipment and update the printing infrastructure when a new technology is launched in the market. Your IT teams can focus on essential tasks while your print service provider will focus on keeping your documents safe, secure, and accessible.

Wepsol: Managed Print Service provider for affordable printing

Hiring an Managed Print Service provider (MPS provider) will help you consolidate your corporate printing environment for productivity and efficiency. They will optimize, monitor, and maintain your printing infrastructure while keeping the documents safe and secure in the cloud.

Wepsol is an affordable, efficient, and custom-managed print services company that can help you reduce printing expenses while ensuring data safety and security.  Contact us to know how we can help you find an effective printing solution for your corporate printing needs.